Home Insurance

Protect Your Home From The Unknowns of Tomorrow

At EIA, we offer coverage for your dwelling, personal property and personal liability. Below is an explanation of each which can help you assess whether you can benefit from such coverage and protect your assets.

The most inportant home coverages

  • Dwelling - For most of us, our home is the single, largest investment we will make. Homeowners insurance provides coverages for damage to your home and other structures on your property such as a shed or detached garage.
  • Personal Property - Homeowners insurance also provides coverage for your household contents and personal belongings. You may think your couch, coffee table, sweaters, shoes, coats, TV, VCR and CD player aren't worth a lot but those items all add up.
  • Personal Liability - In the event someone is injured on your property or you damage property that belongs to others, you could be held legally liable for the injury or damage. A homeowner policy provides liability and personal property insurance to financially protect you should this ever occur.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I switch my insurance right now or do I need to wait until the end of the term?

    You can switch your insurance company at any time. We can help you cancel your other policies so you don't need to deal with the other insurance company. Your current insurance company will immediately issue you a refund check for the unearned premium.

  • Does my home owner insurance cover against losses due to fire, lightning, tornadoes, wind storms, hail, explosions, smoke, vandalism and theft?

    Yes. Typically, your homeowners insurance covers a large number of perils, including all those listed. There are some limits, however, on the amount of insurance you have so you should always consult with your local Phoenix Insurance agent.

  • A pipe bursts and water flows all over my floors. Am I covered?

    Yes. Typically, homeowners insurance covers you for accidental discharge of water from a plumbing system. Check your plumbing and heating systems once a year. While you are covered for this type of damage, who needs the mess and hassle?

  • A neighbor slips on my sidewalk and threatens to take me to court for damages. Does my homeowners policy protect me?

    Yes. Homeowners insurance will pay for damages, if the accident is the result of your negligence. It will also pay for the legal costs of defending you against a claim. Also, the medical payments part of your homeowners policy will cover medical expenses arising from an injury to a neighbor or guest. Your local Phoenix Insurance agent can periodically review your policy limits to help ensure you have adequate coverage.

  • Is my jewelry covered by my homeowners policy?

    On a homeowners policy, there is limited, standard coverage available for your jewelry. In most cases, you will need to purchase a Personal Articles Floater, which extends protection for your jewelry when its value is higher than the limits stated in your homeowners policy. Our Insurance agent can help determine if you need to purchase Floater coverage.

Home Insurance Quote

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail us!

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